This is a very distinctive genus in several morphological characters; perhaps the most obvious is the little crest (scutellum, literally a little shield) across the top of the calyx, the origin of the generic name.
1. Flowers all in axillary or terminal racemes (i.e., in axils of small bracts); principal leaves with petiole over 4 mm long (3-4 mm only on depauperate individuals).
2. Racemes chiefly axillary; flowers (4.5-) 5.5-7.5 (-8.5) mm long.
2. Racemes chiefly terminal; flowers ca. 11-16 (-20) mm long.
3. Principal cauline leaves with blade essentially lacking glandular dots beneath, strongly cordate, the lobes extending well below any tissue decurrent on the petiole.
3. Principal cauline leaves with blade glandular-dotted beneath, truncate or rounded at the base, usually with tissue decurrent on the petiole.
4. Calyx and bracts of inflorescence with some long, spreading, gland-tipped hairs.
4. Calyx and bracts with only very short, ± appressed or incurved, eglandular hairs.
1. Flowers in the axils of cauline leaves ± gradually (if at all) reduced in size; principal leaves with petioles none or less than 4 mm long.
5. Corolla (13-) 16-22 mm long; mid-cauline leaves (1.8-) 2.5-5.5 (-8) cm long, including distinct petiole 0.5-3.4 (-4) mm long.
5. Corolla 6-11 mm long; mid-cauline leaves ca. 1-4 cm long, sessile or on petioles less than 0.7 mm long.
6. Stem (middle internodes) glabrous or with a few scattered hairs; principal leaf blades ca. (1.5-) 2.2-4 cm long, with a few definite teeth on each side; corolla white to pale blue, ca. 9-11 mm long.
6. Stem puberulent or ± pilose; leaf blades 1-1.8 cm long, essentially entire; corolla deep blue to purple, ca. 6-9 mm long.
MICHIGAN FLORA ONLINE. A. A. Reznicek, E. G. Voss, & B. S. Walters. February 2011. University of Michigan. Web. March 16, 2025