Included in Primulaceae in Michigan Flora.
If the solution to making Lysimachia monophyletic is to merge into it all the related segregate genera, all our genera below become species of Lysimachia, despite rather differing appearance and ecology. Perhaps a better solution would be to recognize more genera out of our presently broadly construed Lysimachia (as was done in some American manuals in the past),
1. Corolla yellow to red (rarely blue); leaves opposite or in multiple whorls.
2. Leaves sessile, not over twice as long as broad; corolla red (rarely blue); capsule circumscissile.
2. Leaves petioled or over twice as long as broad (or both); corolla yellow; capsule dehiscing longitudinally.
Lysimachia (in part)
1. Corolla white; leaves alternate or in a single whorl.
3. Leaves alternate; flowers 5-merous, in a terminal raceme.
3. Leaves in a single whorl; flowers usually 7-merous, solitary on 1-3 (-4) pedicels.
MICHIGAN FLORA ONLINE. A. A. Reznicek, E. G. Voss, & B. S. Walters. February 2011. University of Michigan. Web. March 18, 2025