
Our three species in this family are shrubs with a spicy-aromatic fragrance when bruised or crushed. The leaves and branchlets are ± pubescent in Comptonia and often so in Myrica. They also bear resinous orange dots (especially conspicuous in Myrica). Myricaceae, like Fabaceae, bear nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots. Our species may serve as alternate hosts for the sweetfern rust fungus [Cronartium comptoniae Arthur], which is a cause of stem cankers in jack pine and red pine, especially the former.


1. Leaves pinnatifid their entire length, stipulate (the stipules eventually deciduous); staminate aments cylindrical, usually becoming somewhat lax and recurved; pistillate aments spherical, bur-like.


1. Leaves unlobed, entire except for a few teeth toward apex, estipulate; staminate and pistillate aments both short-cylindrical, rather cone-like, stiffly ascending.


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MICHIGAN FLORA ONLINE. A. A. Reznicek, E. G. Voss, & B. S. Walters. February 2011. University of Michigan. Web. March 14, 2025