
1. Stipules present, conspicuous (though small), scarious, sometimes fused and forming a membranous collar between the leaf bases.

2. Petals absent; fruit 1-seeded, indehiscent; styles 2-forked or none and stigmas 2; leaves elliptic to narrowly obovate.

3. Plant a prostrate, matted weed, with flowers crowded in axillary clusters; leaves not red-dotted; stipules ciliate; sepals ca. 0.5-0.6 mm long.


3. Plant ± erect, with flowers on very slender terminal branches; leaves densely red-dotted, at least beneath; stipules not ciliate; sepals ca. 0.7-1 mm long.


2. Petals present (but shorter than the sepals); fruit a several-seeded capsule; styles and stigmas 3 or 5; leaves linear-filiform.

4. Styles and valves of capsule normally 5; petals white; leaves in 2 principal clusters at each node, appearing densely whorled.


4. Styles and valves of capsule normally 3; petals usually pink; leaves more clearly opposite (with partly connate stipules), but usually with axillary clusters.


1. Stipules absent (though leaf bases may meet around the stem).

5. Sepals (ca. 2-5 mm long) connate nearly or fully half their length to form a hard closely perigynous cup around the ovary and membranous fruit; fruit 1-seeded, indehiscent.


5. Sepals connate much more than half their length, or separate nearly or quite to their base, or over 2.5 cm long; fruit a few to many-seeded capsule.

6. Calyx of sepals separate nearly or quite to their base.

7. Petals clearly notched at the apex or deeply cleft (the corolla then appearing 10-parted), or rarely absent.

8. Styles 3-4 (very rarely to 6); capsules ± ovoid, 6 (-8)-cleft to the base.


8. Styles 5; capsules 10-cleft or 10-toothed, ovoid to cylindric.

9. Leaves various, but less than 1 cm broad; capsule cylindric.


9. Leaves ovate, the principal ones at least (1.5-) 2 cm broad; capsule ovoid.


7. Petals entire or toothed, but neither cleft nor merely notched at the tip.

10. Inflorescence umbellate; styles 3; capsules 6-cleft; plant withering in May or soon afterwards.


10. Inflorescence cymose, not umbellate, or flowers solitary; styles and capsules various; plant persisting beyond May.

11. Styles (as well as sepals and petals) (4-) 5, the capsules splitting by an equal number of teeth.


11. Styles 3 (fewer than sepals and petals), the capsules splitting by 3 or 6 teeth.

12. Leaves linear-subulate, the principal cauline ones subtending dense axillary clusters; plant entirely glabrous; capsule dehiscing into 3 valves.


12. Leaves ovate to elliptic or lanceolate, mostly without axillary tufts; plants puberulent at least on the stem; capsule with the 3 valves again split, resulting in a total of 6 teeth.

13. Ripe seeds minutely and regularly roughened (tuberculate) and unappendaged; leaves ovate-elliptic, acute to acuminate, but not over 7 (-9) mm long; petals shorter than sepals; annuals.


13. Ripe seeds smooth and shiny, with a pale appendage at the point of attachment; leaves lanceolate to broadly or narrowly elliptic, mostly over 10 mm long; petals exceeding sepals; perennials.


6. Calyx of sepals fused at least a fourth of their length.

14. Sepals fused ca. one-fourth to half their length (hence with prominent free tips), ± densely pilose, (1.6-) 3.5-5.5 (-7) cm long.


14. Sepals fused half their length or more, glabrous or pubescent, less than 3 cm long.

15. Calyx immediately subtended by closely appressed bracts (no naked pedicel evident between bracts and calyx).

16. Sepals each with (3-) 5-7 usually strong ribs, connate without membranous margins.


16. Sepals each with 1 (-3) main rib(s), connate by membranous ribless margins.


15. Calyx not subtended by bracts, or with at least a short pedicel visible above spreading bracts.

17. Styles 3-5 (or more), or flowers entirely staminate; calyx 10-30-nerved (or nerves obscure).

18. Calyx tubular or broadened below the middle; stems lacking glutinous zones on upper internodes, except in S. antirrhina with petals inconspicuous or lacking.


18. Calyx ± clavate, expanded above the middle; stems with glutinous zones on upper internodes and petals pink and showy (fresh flowers ca. 1 cm or more across).


17. Styles 2, the capsule opening by 4 teeth; flowers bisexual; calyx 5-nerved or very obscurely many-nerved.

19. Calyx less than 5 mm long.


19. Calyx at least 7 mm long.

20. Inflorescence crowded, the pedicels less than 5 mm long; calyx wingless.


20. Inflorescence open, the pedicels over 1 cm long; calyx with 5 green wings.


All species found in Caryophyllaceae

MICHIGAN FLORA ONLINE. A. A. Reznicek, E. G. Voss, & B. S. Walters. February 2011. University of Michigan. Web. March 16, 2025